Monday, December 6, 2010

Madrid: Moment of Truth

Let's be honest here . . .

I'm ready to go home.
It's Christmas time.
Yep, I said it.


Erin Blake said...

You did it. You have lived in two foreign countries now. Spain totally by yourself. You have taken advantage of this opportunity in every way. You will have no regrets. You are my hero!

Lisa Childs said...

I'll swap you places:) Thanks for all your comments on my blog- they make me smile. Your posts are just fantastic, LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! Hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Spain! You come home soon, no? It seems like you just got there!

Unknown said...


. said...

... and then you are ready to freeze ur a** of with me in Logan. You should live in our house... im upset that that isnt happening:/

Melanie said...

Soon, very soon! It won't be Christmas time until you get here.

natalie said...

i'm ready for you. come quickly.
